Saturday, January 08, 2011

Kenneth Tong - Boo Loving yourself - Yay

Hey lovelies so I was on twitter last night and saw that people were ranting about someone called Kenneth Tong, and simply because I am nosy I decided to check out his twitter account to see what they were talking about. And I have to say I am disgusted by what I saw. His whole page was about 'monitored anorexia' and that to be successful you have to be a size 0. It made me really quite angry and I wanted to have a rant about it but decided I would wait until today and write it as a Blog as I can say more about it. Plus I was in bed at the time.

OK so first of all there is no such thing as 'monitored anorexia'. If you become anorexic you are really ill, mentally and physically. You can't monitor anorexia. You are only anorexic if you are already ill. Not just trying to lose weight.
Second of all you do NOT have to be a size 0 to be successful! To be successful you need to be healthy and happy. Being a size 0 is NOT healthy and it is NOT sexy or womanly. Do you want to look like a child? Curves are what make us women. And do you wanna know something? Men find it sexy.

I find it horrible that this man is making girls have 0 confidence. Why would anyone want to do that? Also why would you want a 'thinspiration'? Be who you are. If you are naturally skinny then enhance it. If you are curvy enhance it. No matter what shape your body is you need to be proud of it. Don't try and change yourself to be successful or because some jerk says you need to. You don't! You should be proud of your body.

One thing in particular which was a recurring tweet of his, was that curvy people can't be successful. Bulls**t! Hello ever heard of Beyonce, Jordin Sparks, Oprah, J-Lo, Kimberley Walsh? They are only a few and look how successful they are. And guess what? They are curvy! Of course you can be successful if you are curvy! Success has nothing to do with your size, it has to do with your brain, your skills and your talent. If you are judged ignore them. No-one should judge you. No-one has the right to make you feel bad about yourself. You are the only person who has the right to judge you. And even then you shouldn't be hard on yourself. You should love yourself.
Wanna know the best way to be successful? Be happy, healthy and confident. Confidence is the best thing anyone can have. People who are successful are successful because they exude confidence. It is sexy and shows you want what you want and you will get it. People love confident people. All the best people exude confidence. And its not hard for you to do that too. All you have to do is learn to love yourself.

So next time you are getting dressed look at your body and say "My body is sexy and I don't need to change anything about it"

Remember stand tall, be confident and you will be successful.

Love you all

1 comment:

  1. Nice post.

    I love your blog and I would love it if you could follow it back pubicly:

