Wednesday, March 17, 2010

5 Random Facts

Hey everyone :) so I decided to do a Blog post today but I wasn't sure what to write about. I saw that a few people have been doing the 5 random facts Blog post so I thought I would too.

Random fact #1:
I think I have O.C.D. I only think this because I have never been diagnosed with it and it isn't severe, as in it doesn't control my life. My O.C.D. is when I'm putting my clothes away, or cleaning my room. Everything has to be done EXACTLY how I want it to be done. My clothes have to be in the right piles before I even take them to my bedroom, then I have to have them in colour order, going from dark to light. If they aren't like this I get really aggiteted and stressed. I start to cry and want to scream. Nobody in my family believe I have O.C.D. but I still believe it is. When I'm cleaning my room I have to do it in an order, starting by my bed working right round my room to the other side of my bed then I do the floor. I get annoyed when I can't do it that way and don't have the time to do it the right way. But like I said before it doesn't control my life I can live a normal life without it bothering me daily. Its just when I have to do them.

Random fact #2:
I'm a Gleek =D I am in love with Glee. My favourite song is Keep holding on. I love how Finn loves Rachel but still wants to be with Quinn and the baby even though she is giving it up for adoption. In the end though I think Finn will be with Rachel and Quinn will be with Puck. I do feel sorry for Puck though because it is his baby biologically and he wants to be there for the baby but Quinn really doesn't want to hurt Finn which I love about her. I still have to watch Mondays episode of Glee but I know that it is going to be amazing LOL.

Random fact #3:
I have a job that I hate. I work as a Pot washer and I hate it so much. I only work there for the money but I am looking for a new job. Its hard though because there isn't any jobs going at the moment. The type of job I would like for the moment is a receptionist job or something similar because I do like jobs like that but I can't find any right now but I am still looking.Wish me luck haha.

Random fact #4:
I am obsessed with Harry Potter, Mythology and everything to do with all of that. I believe that they could exist even if you can't see them and there is no proof. Just because there is no proof doesn't mean they can't exist. Its like with G-d there isn't actual proof that there is any but it doesn't stop people believing and thats what I am like with Fairies, witches, etc. Just because there is no proof doesn't mean they don't exist.

Random fact #5:
I don't have a social life. I have friends but I haven't seen them since before Christmas. I don't mind I chose to stay home or only go shopping with my mum. I prefer to stay home, on YouTube and Twitter, or watching T.V. or reading a book. I love doing them. I love to go shopping so I go with my mum when she is getting her nails backfilled. I love making videos and if I had a social life I might not have the time to do that which I wouldn't like. I also LOVE to read it is my all time fav thing to do. If you watch my videos on YouTube you will see that I read a lot when I do my Books I've read this month videos. So it really doesn't bother me when I see people outside having fun with their friends because it's not what I want to do :)

Thanks for reading this. I would love to read your Random facts Blogs so leave them in the comments below. Love you all xoxo xxxx

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