Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ins and Outs

Hey everyone :) so here is the Ins and Outs I was going to do last night.

1. Glee: If you read my 5 Random Facts Blog you will know I am in love with Glee. It is one of THE best programes on at the moments. I'm even considering EVER! That is how much I love this show. Right now my favourite songs are: Defying gravity, Keep Holding on, Maybe This Time and Alone. They are so good :)

2. MSN: I used to go on MSN all the time but about 6 months abo I got bored of it and stopped going on it as much. However in the past week or so, I have been going on it almost everyday. It might be because there is a lad on there who I really like and I enjoy speaking to him :)

3. Staying up late: I used to go to bed really early at about 9pm and I didn't really like it but I was getting up at 6am every morning and felt like I needed to. I didn't like going to bed so early but I need sleep LOL. But lately I have been going to bed at 12am to 1am and I like staying up late but maybe not that late LOL.

4. Twitter: I am obsessed with Twitter. I am on it every single day tweeting at least twice. Right now I can get Twitter free on my phone which means I can tweet more. When I found out about this I was so so happy. Unfortunatly I can't have it for much longer. Only till the end of this month, so only a couple of days left :( LOL.

5. The Vampire Diaries: I am actually watching this right now LOL. It is so good I actually like it more than Glee if that is even possible ha-ha. I know lots of people love Damon but I'm not into the whole "Bad Boy" thing LOL In my opinion he isn't even that good looking, I prefer Stefan he is goergous =D and I much prefer the "Good Boy" thing ha-ha. I have loved Vampires since I first saw The Little Vampire, so long before Twilight LOL. I do love The Twilight Saga I mean I only got into it because I love things like that.

1. Having to charge my phone every 20 minutes: I had to do this with my old phone because the battery died like every 20 minutes if I was using it, and it was doing my head in. I couldn't handle it anymore and because I am on contract I could only get a new phone if I bought a pay as you go and atm I couldn't afford it. But my dad bought me a cheap pay as you go phone yesterday and I am so happy. I don't care that it is a cheap phone it only has to last a couple of months before I can update my contract. I only really care that it works LOL.

2. Working a job I hate: Thats right I quit my job. Sunday was my last shift and I am so happy =D I really did not like that job. It was not right for me it was so hard and because I am a day person and the job was at night I wasn't enjoying it. Also I'm not the type of girl who likes getting her nails dirty and chipped LOL and with that job I was always getting chipped nails and coffee under them and it was horrible LOL. I'm going to be working with my mum again until I can find a job best suited to me which hopefully will be soon ha-ha.

Thats all for my Ins and Outs for now, leave a comment letting me know your Ins and Outs. Love you all xoxo

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