Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Weight-loss Journey

Hey my lovely readers, how are you all? Hope you are all doing good :)

I know that this post is an hour late, but I got distracted, like I do LOL. Anyway, as you can tell by the title, this is my first Weight-loss Blog. I decided to do this because I have been trying to lose weight for almost two years with no results, basically because I haven't been trying. But I am determined to do it this time, because I feel fat and I can't fit into my favourite jeans properly. So I thought that it would be a good idea to write a Blog about it, to encourage me to do it, and not fail, because I have people who know I am doing it, plus I thought, there are lots of people who are trying to lose weight, so why not help them at the same time, well that's if they read this LOL.

So at least once a week, I am going to update you all on how I am doing. I will tell you all the types of food I ate, roughly how much I ate and the times, plus all the exercise I have done that week. There will also be two pictures, one of me in normal clothes, then one in the jeans I want to fit into, so that you can see the progress. I thought of the picture thing, because I read somewhere that some model takes a picture of her body every week, to help her keep in shape, and I liked that idea, but obviously I am not going to take a picture of me in my underwear, mainly because I am posting the pictures, but also because right now my body looks horrible, which I am hoping to fix LOL.

I am going to mention some of the exercises I do every week, and have been doing so for about two or three months, just so I don't have to write them every week. So the first exercise I do every week is swimming, me, my mum and my dad go swimming every Thursday evening, and sometimes on a Sunday, but we haven't done that for a few weeks. I am learning to swim right now, so we aren't swimming the entire time we are there, I practice swimming for about 20-30 minutes them the rest of the time we just have fun. There are obviously one week a month when I don't go swimming, I think you can guess why, so I'm not going to mention it, but on those weeks I will let you all know that I haven't swam. The second and third exercise I do every week is working and walking. I work as a cleaner and if you have ever cleaned a restaurant you will know how much hard work it is. I also have to carry tables and chairs round onto the patio, so that is a work out to LOL. I then walk home, which is about a 40 minute walk, but I can do it in 30 minutes depending on how I am feeling. I do this every Saturday and Sunday morning. Oh I forgot to mention I clean for about 2 hours each day. So that is all the exercises I do every week.

 This is my normal picture, as you can my hips are huge, which is the main thing I am going to try and improve. I am also going to improve my tummy, you will see why in the next picture.

So as you can see I have a really bad muffin top, and my jeans don't fasten proper, I fastened them as much as I could. I am hoping to be able to fit into them by September, so fingers crossed girlies.

At the end of every post I am going to put my weight, B.M.I, how much weight I have left to lose and how much weight I have lost, even though you can probably work it out yourself, I just want to have it written down. So here is my starting weight and B.M.I.
Weight: 9st 2lb
B.M.I.: 23.49
How much weight left to lose: 1st 2lb

I hope you enjoyed this post. I will talk to you all soon, Love you all xoxo <3 xxxx


  1. I stopped by your blog today. Blogging has definitely helped me on my journey.
    Less of Me

  2. @Cozy in Texas Thanks for reading my Blog :) I'm hoping it helps me too :) xoxo <3 xxxx

  3. To behonest: I think you've got a lovely figure. You look stunning to me! 9st isn't that much either... What do you weigh now and what's your length?
