Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to survive early mornings

Hey girlies how are we all?
I wasn't sure whether or not to post this today or not but I decided that I would because I miss blogging. Plus I may be procrastinating but shh.
So as you can tell this is about how to survive early mornings. This is especially good if you, unlike me, are not a morning person. I know it is nearing the end of October and you all have your own morning routines sorted but in my opinion you can always improve things. I am always looking for tips on how to improve something I already do.
So onto my tips:

First of all I suggest getting up at the same time every day that way your body can adjust to getting up early. By getting up at the same time every day you get used to it and you aren't as tired when you get up, although I know that sometimes you just can't wake up. Try getting up at this time 7 days a week, or if that is too daunting I suggest still setting an alarm for weekends so you are still getting up at a certain time. Your body will appreciate it.

Following on from time, I would also suggest going to bed at the same time every night as well, but I know that isn't always possible. I know that for me I go to bed at a different time every night, just depending on how I feel, but I do try and stick to a rough time, say between 10 and 1 works for me, but it is entirely your choice the time you go to bed. Obviously I wouldn't stay up too late, because you do need to make sure you are getting enough sleep, because if you don't it is not only bad for your health, it is bad for your skin and can make you grumpy and no-body wants to speak to a grumpy person.

If you want to sleep that little bit longer I suggest doing these two things:

  1. Shower at night. If you are like me and take 20 minutes in the shower then another 20 minutes moisturising and getting dressed then showering at night will save you so much time in the morning. Even if you only take about 10 minutes to get showered and dressed, it is still that extra 10 minutes sleep which is always good, especially if you are staying up late doing essays for school.
  2. Get everything organised before going to bed. That means if you take your lunch to school, make it the night before. Choose your outfit and lay it out ready to put on when you get up. Make sure your bag is organised and has everything you need for the next day in it. If you change your make-up on a daily basis, decide before going to sleep. 
That leads me onto my final point, keep make-up simple to save time putting it on in the morning. Save the extravagant make-up looks for when you have more time to get ready, i.e. weekends. This will, again, mean you can sleep that little bit longer. You don't even have to wear make-up to school, but I know it might seem like an unthinkable option to some of you, which is why I said simple make-up.

Over all I think the best way to survive early mornings is to do everything you can the night before. Honestly it saves so much time. 
If you are a night owl, and you follow these tips you will soon become an early riser. As your body gets used to waking up early, you start to feel more alert first thing in the morning. And soon you won't have to rely on that morning coffee to give you a kick start because your body is already awake. 

I hope that this post was helpful. Leave me your tips on how you survive early mornings in the comments below, I love getting new tips and improving everything I do. 

Talk to you all soon!



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