Saturday, October 22, 2011

Study series #1: Outfit #1

Hey girlies so this weekend I have planned on doing as much school work as possible so I don't have to worry about it over the week. I want to have everything done before going back to school after half term, but I do want to relax and have some fun as well, hence why I am hoping to get all of my work done today and tomorrow. Although, just to contradict that, I do plan on filming for my media coursework and spending an hour a day on my English Literature coursework. But the rest of it will be completed tomorrow.
Anyway onto today's post, which is what I wore today.

Obviously it isn't all that exciting because I wasn't going anywhere but this is what I wore:
Top: just a plain white vest top from Asda George which cost about £4
Bottoms: Just some plain navy sweat pants from Primark and cost about £8-ish, I've had them a while so I don't remember.
I left my hair down today but normally I would have it in a bun or in a top knot just to keep it out of my face.
On my feet I actually didn't wear anything but I do normally wear my fuzzy socks just to keep my feet warm.

This outfit is just a really comfortable outfit to wear whilst studying, there is no 'faffing' about just really simple and easy to wear.

Just thought I would share where I ended up studying, because I took a break to eat my lunch so I sat on the floor then was too lazy to move again ha-ha. I am actually planning a study series so I will go into more detail about my study habits then. But that is just a sense of where I studied today.
Just realized that this could be the beginning of that series! Ah great plan Kim!

Anyway I am off for a nice relaxing bath after a hard day of studying and I will talk to you all tomorrow.



P.S. This will be a weekly series until I have given all my tips, just like all my series' will be.

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