Tuesday, August 09, 2011

UK Riots

So I had wanted to do a post on what to take to a festival today, but instead I want to talk about something a lot more serious and important; the UK riots.

I'm sure you are all aware that there was riots in London last night. In fact they started 4 days ago. However last night everything just got out of hand. The riots spread to Birmingham and Liverpool last night, and today they are in Manchester. That is why the title is not London riots, but UK riots. There is also small riots in other places in the UK, like Kent. Even thought they are small they are still significant.

I do not understand why people feel the need to do this! I will never understand why some people think it will make a difference. If you want change, this is not the way to go! All that these people are doing is making life difficult for everyone, including themselves!

It all started because the police shot a man (I'm not sure why, but I'm sure it was a good reason, although I don't agree with it) but now people have lost that. They have forgotten that they were doing this for a reason, and now they are just doing it. Even if they hadn't forgotten that they were doing it for a reason, I still do not agree with it. Like I said, this is not the way to get change. If you want change, you do NOT go hurting other people, stealing or anything else like that! It is wrong and I really hope they get punished properly!

Tonight the police are armed with plastic bullets and are prepared to use them. I am glad they are doing this, but it is sad that they have to! I don't like to believe that humans can behave like this. They are giving our country a bad name. They are making people over the world lose respect for our country. I am ashamed to be associated with them. As always the minority are making the majority look like horrible people. It makes me so angry that they do this. All they are are cowards. They are scum, and deserve to be punished properly. Do not just put them in prison, that is not a punishment here, our prisons are like a holiday. Do something that will make them suffer, show them that it is wrong to do things like this. It is the wrong thing to do. I know I keep repeating that but it is so true.

I really wish that I could do something to help, but all I can do is pray, and I hope those of you who believe will join me in that. I know it isn't a lot but it is all we can do at the moment.

Please everyone stay safe. Do not go out into the middle of it. Preferably stay home. Pray for the innocent to stay safe and for this to end soon.

Keep safe everyone



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