Friday, August 12, 2011

What to carry in your bag when travelling

As promised here is my post about what to carry in your bag and what make-up to take.
Normally I carry a huge bag and fill it with everything, including the kitchen sink. But obviously I can't exactly take a huge bag to Soul Survivor especially as I already have to have my roll mat on my knees on the journey back (it really will not fit into my case =/) 

So this is the bag I am using instead. It is quite small but can hold so much! Which is bad when you are trying not to carry much with you ha-ha.

I always carry a book with me and I think I already mentioned that I will be taking 2 books with me because it is a long journey. This isn't the book I am taking I need to go and pick it up from the library, this is just to show you what I am taking. 

Obviously you need your purse. I would actually recommend taking a smaller one but this one has all of my cards and I have a lot of important cards, not sure I'll need all of them though, but I like to be safe. I might switch everything to a smaller purse if I do I'll let you all know, but again this is just tips on what to take.

Make up time! There is practically nothing there, no eye-shadow or blusher. But obviously you can't be taking a lot of make-up with you and to be honest you probably won't even wear it everyday. You'll be lucky to wear it once, which is why I am contemplating not taking any, but if I do this is what I will be taking. L-R:  Nail file, primer, foundation, concealer, eyebrow pencil, lip balm, mascara, lipgloss, pen, tweezers Bottom: Make-up bag to keep it all in.
If I don't take all of that, the 4 things I will definatly take are the nail file, lip balm, pen and tweezers.

Finally a mini bottle of perfume is needed. This is the Far Away perfume, which is my all time favourite which also matches the body lotion and shower gel I am taking with me. 

Other things you may need, which I don't because someone will be home when I get back, is keys, so make sure to leave space for those, especially if you have a lot of key-rings like me ha-ha. Also you need your phone, so that you are able to be contacted in an emergency or if you need to keep in contact with some people.

Well that is it for this post. I might try and post something tomorrow, not sure what about yet though, then that will be me until I get back. If any of you are at Soul Survivor C come and say hi :)

Talk soon
Keep safe
You are all beautiful



1 comment:

  1. I followed:)glad to see someone who doesn't spend a small fortune on makeup! pleaze check out my blog?:)

    my blog:
