Thursday, August 19, 2010

Foot in mouth moments

Hey lovelies how are we all?

Ok so have any of you ever had a foot in mouth, just shut up, moment? No? Well your lucky. I just had one, about half an hour ago. I was sitting in the car with my mum and dad, on our way back home from swimming, and my auntie text my mum. My mum text her first, the my auntie text back saying, I know, but we need to be strong for her and cry outside the hospital, like I do. Now I need to tell you that this is about my nan, from my dad's side, and basically she is dying. Its sad but it is true. So after my mum read that text aloud I said awww she is realising her time is coming to an end. Foot in mouth moment. My mum was like, her son is sitting in the car. But I was just like no I mean Anne realises that Joan's time is coming to an end. Then I realised what I had said. And it just got worse from there. You know when you have said something without thinking, realise what you have said then try and make it better? Well that is what I did. I was like, she has 1 year left, 2 years left, 5 years left. And my dad was just like Shut up Kim. And now they keep going on about it, you know just taking the piss. Like with the tomatoes we just bought, my dad was like Kim is going to depress them, by telling them that there sell by date is coming up. I guess it is good that they can joke about it. But I feel so guilty about saying it. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from saying it. You know what I mean? Man I feel guilty!

Anyway nothing else to say, plus I have a bit of a headache, and straining my eyes looking at a computer screen is not going to help.

Goodnight everyone. Love you all xoxo <3 xxxx

Last Google Search: Nerdfighter (I haven't looked at anything since)
Nail colour: Luxe Lavender on fingers and Romance on toes both from Avon
Subscribers: 40 and 0
Listening to now: Nothing cause I have a headache

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