Friday, August 20, 2010

Hates and Loves

So this is going to be another really quick post as I have work in the morning and I am not ready for bed yet.

I had something to talk about but I cannot remember it. Isn't it really annoying when that happens. Grrr French the Llama. By the way if you know what that means, you are awesome and I love you =)

I am a very loving person aren't I LOL. I think this post should be about what I hate. Or what I love. I don't know LOL.

people who hate on me and my friends and family
feeling ill like I do now
Meat (everything about it including the smell) (If you follow me on twitter you will know it makes me physically ill)
Spicy food (yucky why would anyone want to eat that)
Fizzy/caffinated drinks (don't know why but I just hate how they taste)
Not being able to find shoes to fit me (that is a whole other story)
Wormtail, Bellatrix and everyone who wants to be a death eater
Buses (especially old ones that shake and waiting for them)
That Joe Mcelddery is gay (means even less chance of me getting with him =(
Being cold
Winter weather (especially in the summer and when I have to go out in it)

I think that is it but there might be more.

Harry Potter!
That's all =P
Na I love everything that isn't on the hate list LOL

Talk to you all tomorrow. Love you all xoxo <3 xxxx

Last Google search: Nerdfighter (I guess I don't really google search that often LOL)
Nail colour: Luxe Lavender on fingers and Romance on toes both by Avon
Subscribers: 40 and 0
Listening to now: Aunt talking downstairs

1 comment:

  1. :O But, but, but, it's not a proper meal without a slab of meat.
